let's talk about bacon

Let’s Talk About Bacon

Sometimes, I will write an off-topic article about nothing in particular, but usually the article ends up having some worth. And sometimes, it’s nice to write about something not so serious (or maybe the bacon debate is serious?) during singles awareness week. And finally, sometimes, I write articles, like this one, I don’t like because they hold a lot of true in them.

Let’s talk about bacon for a second.

Every human loves bacon. Your cat loves bacon. Even your vegan friends love bacon —although, I’ve seemed to misplace those studies which prove it true…
But, why is it?


Why would a world be created where bacon is desired, yet it is bad for you?

Why would the American Institute for Cancer Research say bacon should be “avoid”?

Why is it that chickens can fly but a dog cannot?

Why are there shorter days during the wintertime in the USA when persons are more susceptible to experience winter blues?

Why do most humans use the word “people” instead of “persons?”

So, let’s go back and talk about bacon.

Maybe it’s not a gift from God.

Maybe we should stop eating it because it’s like sin.

I mean, think about it.

We desire it, it entices us, and ultimately it leads us to our dead.

I know what you’re thinking…


And that’s true,

and sin is just sin.

But is it good for us?

Does it bring life?

Can we live without it?

Probably, but I bet you’ll still eat bacon especially since I’ve “told you what to do.”

I’ll probably still eat bacon—the crunchier, the better.


I hope I put a seed in your mind of the destructive nature of bacon, and its plan, through the leadership of cockroaches, to take over the world.

I hope you think twice before grabbing for bacon because it might lead to your demise.

But I mostly hope for your salvation and God to give you life.

Because at the end of the day, it’s just bacon.

Sure, we’ll die sooner because we ate it, but it’ll be okay.

That’s all for now folks, but tune in for next week when I tell you about cheese and how it’s as addictive as heroin!

I know, I’m 🙁 , too.

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